Course curriculum

  1. 1
    • Welcome to DevOps Institute's Digital Learning Platform

    • SRE Practitioner: Course Introduction

  2. 2
    • Module 1: SRE Anti-Patterns

    • SREcon17 Americas - Ten Persistent SRE Antipatterns Pitfalls on the Road to a Successful SRE Program

    • Module 1: Flashcard Review of Key Terms

    • Module 1: Quick Check

  3. 3
    • Module 2: SLO is the Proxy for Customer Happiness

    • Implementing SRE practices: SLI/SLO Deep Dive - David Blank Edelman

    • Module 2: Flashcard Review of Key Terms

    • Module 2: Quick Check

    • Case Story: Home Depot's SLO Journey

  4. 4
    • Module 3: Building Secure and Reliable Systems

    • Building Secure & Reliable Systems - Heather Adkins

    • Module 3: Flashcard Review of Key Terms

    • Module 3: Quick Check

  5. 5
    • Module 4: Full Stack Observability

    • OpenTelemetry in Kubernetes

    • Loki: An OpenSource Zipkin / Prometheus Mashup, Written in Go [I] - Tom Wilkie, Weaveworks

    • Module 4: Flashcard Review of Key Terms

    • Module 4: Quick Check

  6. 6
    • Module 5: Using Platform Engineering & AIOps

    • Artificial Intelligence in Operations (AIOps)

    • Module 5: Flashcard Review of Key Terms

    • Module 5: Quick Check

  7. 7
    • Module 6: SRE & Incident Response Management

    • Runbook Automation: The Next Great Unlock for DevOps and SRE

    • Module 6: Flashcard Review of Key Terms

    • Module 6: Quick Check

  8. 8
    • Module 7: Instrumenting Gremlin

    • Practical Chaos Engineering Breaking Things on Purpose to make them more Resilient Against Failure

    • Module 7: Flashcard Review of Key Terms

    • Module 7: Quick Check

  9. 9
    • Module 8: SRE is the Purest Form of DevOps

    • Module 8: Flashcard Review for Key Terms

    • Module 8: Quick Check

    • Case Story: Airbnb

  10. 10
    • About DevOps Institute

    • DOI Community Resources

  11. 11
    • Master DevOps Glossary_18Jan2022

    • SRE Practitioner v1.2 Value Added Resources_1Feb2022.docx

  12. 12
    • SRE Practitioner v1.2 Exam Requirements

    • SRE Practitioner Sample Exam

    • End of Course Survey