Course curriculum

  1. 1
    • Welcome to DevOps Institute's Digital Learning Platform

    • SRE Foundation: Course Introduction

  2. 2
    • Module 1: SRE Principles & Practices

    • What's the Difference Between DevOps and SRE?

    • M1: Flashcard Review of Key Terms

    • M1: Quick Check

  3. 3
    • Module 2: Service Level Objectives & Error Budgets

    • Risk and Error Budgets

    • M2: Flashcard Review of Key Terms

    • M2: Quick Check

    • Case Story: Home Depot

  4. 4
    • Module 3: Reducing Toil

    • Pragmatic Automation with Max Luebbe of Google Cloud

    • M3: Flashcard Review of Key Terms

    • M3: Quick Check

  5. 5
    • Module 4: Monitoring & Service Level Indicators

    • SLI & Reliability Deep-Dive with David N. Blank-Edelman

    • M4: Flashcard Review of Key Terms

    • M4: Quick Check

  6. 6
    • Module 5: SRE Tools & Automation

    • Ironies of Automation: A Comedy in Three Parts with Tanner Lund

    • M5: Flashcard Review of Key Terms

    • M5: Quick Check

  7. 7
    • Module 6: Anti-Fragility & Learning from Failure

    • ‘Sloth, a Tool for Inducing Network Failures’ with Preetha Appan

    • M6: Quick Check

    • M6: Flashcard Review of Key Terms

    • Case Story: Netflix

  8. 8
    • Module 7: Organizational Impact of SRE

    • A History of Site Reliability Engineering at Uber

    • M7: Flashcard Review of Key Terms

    • M7: Quick Check

  9. 9
    • Module 8: SRE, Other Frameworks, The Future

    • ITSM and The Three Ways in 2019: A Look at ITIL4, SRE and More

    • M8: Flashcard Review of Key Terms

    • M8: Quick Check

  10. 10
    • SRE Foundation: Course Summary

    • DOI Community Resources

    • End of Course Survey

  11. 11
    • SRE Foundation v1.0 Value Added Resources

    • Master DevOps Glossary

  12. 12
    • SRE Foundation v1.0 Exam Requirements

    • SRE v1.0 R1 Sample Exam

    • Exam Study Guides (English, French, Spanish, Japanese, Portuguese)